Thursday, January 14, 2010

Lane Kiffin is not the safe choice for USC

Phew, that was one sweaty press conference. Heritage Hall was packed to the brink with reporters, photographers, and alumni (including Keyshawn Johnson) who were anxious to get a look at the new USC head football coach Lane Kiffin.

Yeah, that Lane Kiffin. The same Lane Kiffin who has a career losing record. The same Lane Kiffin who barely got out alive after facing his now ex-players at Tennessee. The same Lane Kiffin who nearly tore down the entire Raiders organization.

Yeah, that Lane Kiffin got another job. What human being on the planet has accomplished more by doing less?

Lane Kiffin, that's who! Let's take a look at what carnage he has left behind shall we?
  • Three of his Tennessee players were arrested for armed robbery.
  • He has committed six NCAA secondary infractions including a scandal revolving hostesses, a twitter violation, fake news conferences for prospects, and calling out one of the best coaches today in Urban Meyer.
  • Four head coaches in the SEC have demanded apologies from him.
  • His biggest win was a loss to the eventual BCS champ Alabama (Final Score: 12-10)
As far as this press conference was concerned...hey at least he didn't call out anybody this time. I mean what was he gonna do? He's already 0-1 against UCLA.

"Our number one thing is we're going to run a extremely clean dedicated program," said Lane Kiffin.

Who is this guy kidding? That doesn't win at USC! Mike Garrett is rolling over in his grave.

To be serious though, the NCAA is bringing the hammer down on USC within the next couple of months, and hiring the shady Lane Kiffin is doing the Trojans no favors. Garrett hastily hired a guy after more experienced coaches in Mike Riley, Jack Del Rio, and Jeff Fisher turned down the job.

Hey, at least he can recruit right? He'll be recruiting USC right into the NCAA graveyard.


Christopher Ghareebo said...

Wow great coverage. Monty Kiffin is such a liar saying his son is not a cheater! What a joke! Poor Lane Kiffin is going to get rocked this year. Cant wait to see SC fall and Ucla rise to the TOP!

Jamilio said...

USC does not look like its in a good place right now and especially in the next several months. Pete did the smart thing and left while he still could. Lane Kiffin some how made it back to sunny California and he is definitely not the smartest choice for SC with his losing record but hey at least they still wont be at as terrible as their rivals UCLA!